How cute it he? The way the pieces meet in a triangle makes this adorable bug look like it has a sad little frown. Makes me think of the adorably grumpy Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh. I love Winnie the Pooh. . .
But I'm getting sidetracked.
Let's make a Ladybug!!
- Small amounts of black and red fabric.
- Small amount of Heat N Bond (or wonder under)
- 1/2" button (for nose)
- 5/8" black satin ribbon (for feet)
- Small amounts of white and blue felt (for eyes)
- Bug Pattern Pieces (this will give you the pattern for all 3 bugs)
Ready? Start by cutting out all pattern pieces. (Don't forget to cut out the piece for the antenna 6"x2")
Take the face pieces (triangles) and fold over 1/2" on the long side. Press down.
Pin the triangle face pieces onto the red body pieces with folded side down. (There is no flipping here) Sew close to edge on all three sides. Trim off over hang from fold.
Make the spots by tracing a spool of thread onto the paper side of Heat N Bond. I did 3 spots, but you can do more or less.
Trim around the circles, but don't cut them out yet. Iron onto a small piece of black fabric. Allow to cool before cutting the circles out.
Peel off the paper and place the plastic-y side down. Arrange spots where you want them. Don't place them too close to the edge (you will take a 1/2" seam). Iron on.
This will make the spots secure, so I chose not to sew around them. You can for added strength or for a design element.
Make antenna by folding the long sides to meet in the center and press.
Fold in half again and sew down the the long side. Then tie a knot on each end.
Fold antenna in half so knots are together and place on the black face next to the red body.
Pin the two red body pieces together on one side with antenna in between. Sew with a 1/2" seam starting a stopping at the dots on the pattern piece.
Cut 6 pieces of 2 1/2" of ribbon for the feet.
Pin feet onto black body piece making sure they will line up behind the black face pieces. It will help to lay them next to each other while placing the feet. Baste the feet on.
With right sides facing, pin the black body piece to the red ones. Leave a 2" opening at the back end of the body for turning and stuffing. I like to place 2 pins close together to mark where to start and stop so I don't accidentally sew my opening closed.
Finish up your Ladybug by turning and stuffing. Then hand stitch the hole closed. Add the face by placing the button nose on the point where all 3 black pieces meet and making eyes from the pieces of felt and hand stitching them on.
Enjoy your adorable Ladybug buddy!
And don't forget to make his buggy friends:
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