Today starts the Kid's Clothing Week Challenge. Meet my sewing area where I will be spending at least 1 hour per day making kid's clothes this entire week.
I like how I have it set up so everything is handy. It might seem confining, but it works well and I'm just happy to have it set up all the time and not in the way of anything. I love how it's next to the computer so when I am following a tutorial, what I need is right there.
Here is a quirk of mine. When I use a new spool of thread, the label on the top ends up peeling up. So I take it off and stick it to the side of my machine. I think I must have cleaned it off at one point, because there are not a lot there.
You should recognize the background here that is my ironing board. It's where I take a lot of pictures! And this is my vintage pin cushion given to me, with the old pins included, by my mom. I usually pin while standing by the board, so my pin cushion ends up spending a lot of time here.

After I pin, I turn to sew and forget to bring the pin cushion with me. It may be close, but when I am in a sewing groove, I just stick the pins into the pad under the machine. Sometimes, I repeat this process so much that I end up with the majority of my pins here instead of in the cushion where they belong.
My solution: two new pin cushions!

I found the little metal cups at the thrift store for 25 cents a piece. There were 8 of them and now I wish I had bought more than these 2. I could have made more for gifts. They were easy to put together. Just cut 6" diameter circles, run a gather stitch around the edge, gather, stuff and close the opening. Last step is to glue it into the cup with hot glue. Easy-peasy.
But with 2 adorable pin cushions, I can keep one on the ironing board,

and one by the machine,
and just switch them when the machine one gets full. Bring on the sewing challenge! I think I'm ready!
This is a really cute idea!!! I like it!!
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