
Poor Injured Monkey

 I work with the Young Women at my church and we are getting ready for the summer girls camp next week! I know I've mentioned it before, but I used to work as a first aid lab instructor at the U of U. I was asked to be in charge of the first aid night. Rather than teach it myself, I reached out to my old boss and friend to come do it, because she teaches groups like this all the time and rocks at it!

So she came and taught us last night. It's always fun to see who gets it fast, who is squeamish at the gory pictures, and who is fascinated by them.

The girls learned some good skills and had fun practicing.

Learning to use a roller bandage:

As a thank you gift, I made up this monkey for her to take home to her adorable baby boy. I owed her one anyway, but to make it fun, I bandaged the little guy up.

The perfect sling and swath for injured arms and shoulders.

Sad injured monkey tail!

It was fun to relive this part of my life again with such a good friend! I've already seen pictures of her baby playing with the monkey (who has gotten over his injuries and had the wrappings removed). 


Shelly and Sean said... 1

We love it and I had so much fun with you and the girls last night. Thanks for asking me to help.

Vanessa at Rescued Goods said... 2

Super cute! What a lucky friend.