
a desperate plea.

Alright. I knew that my shop and the Silly Monster Pattern weren't going to take off right away, but my giveaway over at Sew.Craft.Create has 1 entry. . .

There are supposed to be 2 winners, but there is only 1 comment. Pathetic.

Save my pride... please enter the giveaway. Or is the monster really that sad?


  1. Oh poppit! The monster is super cute! I'm a follower and would love a pattern!

  2. Omg it's so cute! I can't believe I didn't see the giveaway. I'm also a follower just somehow missed that. hehe I would definitely love to make that for my two nephews since I don't have kids yet but have been trying for a few years! Hopefully soon!


  3. The monster is totally awesome! I think it is a busy time of year. I know I have been falling behind on all of my reader feeds. Way more than 1 comment now! Feel happy! Before you know it, you will see that Silly Monster everywhere! Congrats again!

  4. I got there a little late! But it looks like there were plenty of entries in the end. Yay for winners!

  5. I've gone and entered. I love your blog and your monsters :) Keep them coming!


Comment Please. Yes I mean you.