
Bright Rust

About a month ago, I was getting ready for church. Normally, I'm a skirt and shirt kind of gal, but this day, I was in the mood for a dress. I opened the closet and realized. . . I have no dresses. Unless you count a traditional Chinese dress and my wedding dress (neither of which fit). I don't know how that happened. And I also don't know how I didn't know that I had no dresses.

Anyway, I bought a pattern and fabric and it turned out to be my first big project on my new machine. It is a stretch knit and the thread that matches perfectly was named "Bright Rust". I got to try out the "stretch stitch" on my machine; it looks like a lightning bolt and is totally awesome!

Simplicity 2369

I loved the whole experience of sewing it, and I'm in love with the new machine (I think she needs a name). This was supposed to be my Easter dress, but then Pretty was sick, so we didn't go to church. I only got to wear it for these pictures; but, hey, that was on Easter day so it counts.

Pretty's pleated masterpiece is almost completed and you will die, it turned out so cute!! I know I was supposed to have it done for Easter, but when Pretty was sick the day before, I knew it wasn't important to finish it that night. . . so I procrastinated again. It will be done today, I pinky swear!


  1. I LOVE it! I'm still a beginner so I'm pretty intimidated about making clothes. One day though I hope to make something like that and have it look as good on me as it does on you. =)

  2. Wow, that color is awesome! It almost matches your hair. I am so proud that you got through your first big project on the new machine. Its all down hill from here, right?

  3. It's beautiful! And I can't wait to see Pretty's dress.

    p.s. Been reading you for a while now, just never commented before...


  4. Love that dress. You did great, and you look so pretty!

  5. Amazing Dress! You look great! I got to learn how to sew knits...


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