
I want to win. I DESERVE it.

All right. I have just spent longer than a mommy should looking for a current giveaway of the awesome Silhouette SD Machine. I want one so badly! I finally found one and can get a solid 10 entries for blogging about it. So, I'm sorry you have to deal with this, but at the same time, maybe you should thank me. You can head over here to The Bragging Mommy and enter to win, too. As mean as it sounds, I hope you don't, because then I'll have a bit better chance. Pick me random number generator! Make my little crafting dreams come true!


  1. Sorry, friend, I REALLY want one too. I'm going there now. Good luck!

  2. prudentbaby.com is giving one away right now! It ends on March 25th (this Friday) and you can post a comment every day for additional entries. They also have a deal with the manufacturer, so if you don't win it maybe you can ask the easter bunny to bring it for you =). Good luck!


Comment Please. Yes I mean you.