
13 hours on a plane.

No joke. 13 hours. 2 kids. Why?

My husband's grandmother is turning 99 this year, and she lives in Taiwan. Partly for her birthday, and partly just to let her meet the next generation, my in-laws are taking my little family for a 10 day trip in the middle of February! I'm super excited to be visiting again. This will be my second trip to Taiwan.

But I am nervous about the flight from LA to Taiwan. 13 hours! That was a bit rough the first time and there were no children. Now there are 2. Luckily, we will outnumber them 4-2 with the in-laws coming.

13 hours...

And we all know that sewing and crafting is the answer to all of life's problems. So here are some of my plans:

I know I will need to bring coloring books, crayons, reading books, movies, and music.

13 hours!

This post has two purposes for me. 
  1. Keep track of the things I need to make
  2. Get ideas from any travelers out there. What else do I need to entertain my 3 1/2 year old and my 10 month old baby?

Did I mention the plane ride is 13 hours?


  1. I saw a tutorial on an activity thingy that slips onto the tray table in front of the kiddos..had a zipper, button, velcro, stuffed fabric car attached to a string with road for it to drive down..it was the neatest thing! But I can't remember where I saw it since I have no kiddos to make it for..sorry! Hopefully you can search around and find it!!
    Oh and bring a portable dvd player..and lots of batteries :)

  2. One more idea :) ther eare I-spy cubes lurking around out in blog land that look like they would work for your 3 1/2 year old!!

  3. I think that the things I bring for Nik are similar to what you would need for a 3 1/2 year old. Probably a computer or some video playing system would be the best. If he will entertain himself with books then bring lots, if he wants you to do all that for him, I wouldn't focus on that. Maybe just lots of baby Benadryl.....

  4. http://www.skiptomylou.org/2011/01/20/traveling-with-kids/

    Check it out!


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